How to Eliminate Toxins in Your Home and in Your Life

Healthy, Happy Life
7 min readAug 31, 2020


Every homeowner should know that a clean home does not guarantee you a toxin-free one. In the road to creating a cancer-free area, you have to be able to identify where these chemicals are lurking.

To make this guide cohesive, we have to start from the very beginning. Let us try asking the most basic question when getting rid of toxins in your house — where are they lurking?

Where in your house should you look for toxins?

When it comes to eliminating molds and toxins, winter is your worst enemy. MBG Lifestyle has asked a functional medicine doctor and an environmental toxicity expert to explain how some of the healthiest people still get sick. Some of the causes of these health issues include mold exposure and VOCs in these places:

The Bedroom

Since we spend a lot of time inside the bedroom, we make it our utmost priority to clean it on a daily basis. What we do not know is that chemicals are lurking behind those wallpapers. In addition, if you have any carpet lying around, be sure to have it cleaned.

The Bathroom

Any room that does not get proper ventilation should be subjected to appropriate inspection. Similar to the bedroom, you should also make it a habit of checking what lies behind your wallpapers in the bathroom. Get a proper ventilation system for your bathroom; this can help eliminate at least a slight percentage of any mold formation.

Leaky Areas

Do you have any roof leaks? If yes, it’s time to get it fixed. A water leak at home can cause mold to grow behind your walls. When it comes to water leaks, you can use a dehumidifier to dry it up. On the other hand, you can hire a mold inspector so you can be more thorough as to where these toxins are hiding. Remember, molds spread so getting to the root cause of it and eliminating it as soon as you can will save you so much trouble in the future.

Your Front Door

Who knows what our shoes are bringing into our home? At this point, there have been several studies on how the bottom of our shoes is one of the primary sources of bacteria. A professor and microbiologist at the University of Arizona have conducted a study regarding this; Dr. Charles Gerba found out that an average of 400,000 units of bacteria can be found at the soles of our shoes.

Your Furniture

Your furniture can also serve as a home for some dust mites. Dust mites are these tiny creatures that you cannot see with your naked eye. They may be small, but there are so many of them. They can cause you a lot of issues including dealing with their fecal pellets.

If you are saving up on some cash, you may think that buying secondhand furniture is a good idea. While it can be a good idea for your bank account, it may also jeopardize your health. What you must know is that the plywood as well as the particle board — also called the pressed wood — are made with the use of isocyanate and formaldehyde glue. These type of adhesives are very toxic to your body.

Wood Flooring

When it comes to wood flooring, as well as paint, a new carpet, or even your new car, VOCs or volatile organic compounds may reside in these. If exposed to VOCs, you and your family can experience symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, scratchy or itchy eyes, sore throat, and even depression.

Paints and Varnishes

Paints can be considered as a toxin under VOCs; however, there is more to this particular chemical than most VOCs. For one, every homeowner would not want any kind of unpainted wall. While painting them may solve your issue of meeting the aesthetic requirement, the use of paint can bring about specific health issues. Paint includes lead, a component that has the capacity to lower intelligence in children. In addition, the chemicals in paint can easily be inhaled by anyone resulting in certain health issues like sinusitis, congenital disabilities, asthma, a number of fertility problems, cancer, and other neurological disorders.

Household Cleaning Products

It’s kind of ironic that cleaning products — products made to clean and remove any bacteria — can bring about toxic chemicals into your home. Always be wary of the ingredients of certain household cleaning products. Take time to do research. Some of these cleaners may have ammonia, an irritant that can severely damage your liver and kidney.

Baby Products

This may be shocking news for many, but baby products may contain certain elements and ingredients that can be toxic. Baby wipes, for example, are used by most parents to keep their babies clean and healthy. What they do not know about this product is that Bronopol — an antimicrobial chemical compound in baby wipes — is toxic to the immune system of a person. Furthermore, it is also toxic to our lungs and skin. Another compound found in baby wipes is Phthalates; these are endocrine disruptors.

How to get rid of these toxins inside your home?

Now that we have pointed out certain clues that will help you locate these toxins in your home, let us proceed to some of the tips and tricks for eliminating these rascals:

Always make it a habit to use an air purifier or humidifier

Reducing toxins in your home does not take five minutes. It is a process so it should be well noted that you have to consistently make an effort to do so. When it comes to the air around you, there are certain toxins and harmful chemicals that are causing you to become sick. Therefore, an air purifier or humidifier can come in handy.

Bring in some plants

When it comes to toxins, plants are your best form of defense. Do no be afraid to accessorize with some indoor plants. Plants are natural air purifiers so adding a small pot in the corner of the room can help a lot. Furthermore, it has been confirmed that plants can actually absorb toxic chemicals and eliminate biological pollutants. Some of the best options to bring into your home can be any of the following: an areca plant, lady palm, rubber plant, or a rhododendron.

Wash your hands frequently

This may be a no-brainer tip but washing your hands often can help you get rid of any bacteria every chance you get. Washing your hands should already be part of your daily routine; this can bring you so much health benefits beyond the elimination of toxins inside your home. Also, make sure that you know how to properly wash them. Wet your hands with some warm water, and with a little soap, try scrubbing the palms and backs of your hands. Don’t forget to include the wrists!

Take off or clean your shoes when going inside your house

It was discussed earlier that the bottom of our shoes serves as home to thousands of bacteria. By taking off your shoes at the door, you eliminate the risk of bringing in dirt to your home. The good news is that dirt can easily be removed. You must always be mindful of what you bring into your home.

Clean your pet’s paws before they enter your house

Similar to human’s shoes, we have to clean our pet’s paws before they enter the house. Who knows where they have been or what they are bringing in? We love our pets; however, sometimes, they just bring in all kinds of fecal matter, specks of dirt, pesticides, bacteria, and so much more. You can also opt to let your pups wear shoes. This may be an annoying task to do, but it is completely necessary. Invest in some quality paw-cleaning cloths too; these will ensure you remove all of the dirt in their paws.

Filter your tap water

If you are debating on whether to drink bottled water or filtered tap water, go for the filtered tap water. Plastic bottles possess certain toxins that can be harmful to your health. Even the best-selling water bottle brands have industrial chemicals in it as well as fertilizers and bacteria. Even in an area where tap water is considered good, there is still a chance that these may possess contaminants.

Make sure that you keep your house dust under control

How do you keep your house dust under control? Well, simply clean it regularly. According to Web MD, there are two ways you can do this: you can vacuum the house at least two times a week; after that, you must clean the vacuum bag and filter every time. This is for the purpose of not allowing the dust to spew back in. On top of that, the usual cleaning and dusting around the house can do so much.

Avoid Smoking Indoors

Smoking can be very dangerous to your health for some obvious reasons. If you are worried that toxins are inside your home, you better start kicking your habit of smoking out the door. This is one of the biggest triggers of asthma. Philip Landrigan, Children’s Environmental Health Center Director at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, states that not only is smoking an expensive habit, it can also cost you health bills for you and your family in the future.

In the end, you have to go about it naturally if you want to eliminate these harmful chemicals and toxins inside your home. Furthermore, a detox for your home is not a daunting task. It is possible, and with a few tips and tricks, you’ll be able to achieve a green home that is free of chemicals.



Healthy, Happy Life

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